Wales and West Region is the parent unit for six Wings: No 1 Welsh Wing, No 2 Welsh Wing, No 3 Welsh Wing, Staffordshire Wing, Warwickshire & Birmingham Wing and West Mercian Wing. These Wings have 136 local squadrons within them.
The Region is proud to have 3,600 air cadets and 1,450 adult volunteers in these six Wings.
To find the squadron nearest to you, RAF Air Cadets has a squadron finder. You just input your postcode, then look up the closest squadron to you.
Wales and West People
Wales and West Region is run by a combination of permanent Ministry of Defence staff and adult volunteers. The Region is headed up by Group Captain Roger Simon. Details of everyone is listed below:
Group Captain Roger Simon MA RAFR
Regional Commandant
Group Captain Roger Simon was born in Livingstone, Zambia but has lived the majority of his life in the United Kingdom. A former Air Cadet with 2507 (Bicester) Squadron, he joined the Royal Air Force in February 1988 and completed Initial Officer Training at RAFC Cranwell.
Wing Commander Amanda Evans
Senior Staff Officer
A former Air Cadet herself, Amanda became a Civilian Instructor in 2002 and subsequently commissioned in 2007.
Amanda has been a Squadron Training Officer, Squadron Commander, No 3 Welsh Wing Training Officer and Deputy Commander of No 3 Welsh Wing. Read more …
Disgwyliwch y gorau o Gymru a’r Gorllewin! | Expect the Best from Wales & West!
Wing Commander Stephen France

Warrant Officer Paul Roberts
Regional Warrant Officer
Warrant Officer (WO) Paul Roberts joined the RAF Air Cadets in 1998 with 115 (Peterborough) Squadron as a cadet rising to the position of Cadet Warrant Officer.
Squadron Leader Jonathan Evans
Special Projects Officer
I have been involved with Wales & West Region for nine years working with many aspects of the activities run by the Air Cadets. I have also worked on HQ Air Cadets projects including the ACE Platform and IACE.
Squadron Leader Will Potts
First Aid Officer
Squadron Leader Will Pottsl has an extensive background in education having taught in the 11-19 sector since 1987. In his day job he is a Deputy Curriculum Leader in a secondary school in Cheshire where in addition to teaching DT, he also teaches first aid to pupils and staff, and runs a very popular after school first aid club- regularly attracting up to sixty pupils per session.
Squadron Leader Lisa O’Shaughnessy
Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Officer
Squadron Leader Lisa O’Shaughnessy Squadron Leader Lisa O’Shaughnessy is Wales and West Region’s Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Officer. Sqn Ldr O’Shaughnessy joined the Girls Venture Corps in 1987 as the local ATC Squadron didn’t take in females at that time. In November 1992, she moved to the Air Training Corps joining 2369 (Kirkby) Squadron as a Civilian Instructor moving on to the roles of Adjutant and Squadron DofE Officer and in October 1999, was appointed to the rank of Pilot Officer within the RAFVR(T).
Squadron Leader Dave Wells
Special Projects Officer
Squadron Leader Lisa Claber
Media Communications Officer
Squadron Leader Lisa Railton
Shooting Officer
Since joining The Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) in 2008, I have taken a keen interest and involvement in all cadet activities but ultimately target shooting has always been a passion of mine.
Squadron Leader Martin Christlieb
Adventure Training Technical Officer
Martin Christlieb joined 150 (City of Oxford) Squadron Air Cadets in 2006 and was commissioned in 2008. Martin quickly got drawn into Adventure Training and completed his Basic Expedition Leader’s Award and Duke of Edinburgh Expedition Assessor. Sqn Ldr Christlieb was appointed Wing Adventure Technical Training Officer for Thames Valley Wing in 2010. Trail cycle supervisor was added to the CV in 2010 and Mountain Leader (ML) followed in 2011.
Squadron Leader Adam Tonks
Shooting and Armaments Compliance Officer
Squadron Leader Adam Tonks has joined the Region from West Mercian Wing ATC where he was the Shooting Officer. He led frequent shooting activities which grew the enthusiasm for shooting in the Wing.
Squadron Leader Mel Annis
Sports Officer
Sqn Ldr Annis has a long RAF Air Cadets history, having joined 2156 (Brierley Hill) Squadron Air Training Corps in 1990, first serving as a cadet. Her next step was as a Civilian Instruction, then she took her journey to become an Adult Warrant Officer then commissioned into the RAF VR(T) in January 2000, transferring to 223 Halesowen Squadron ATC for the next five years.
Flight Lieutenant Steve Cahill
Cyber Support Officer
Flt Lt Cahill started off as a cadet at 2352 – Stone Squadron Air Cadets, Staffordshire Wing Air Cadets when he was 13, completing seven years with the Squadron and left as a Cadet Warrant Officer. His highlights include gaining his Silver Gliding Wings, what would now be Gold Radio, Silver DofE and Method Of Instruction.
Warrant Officer Daren Parfitt
Communications Officer
Next Steps…
Adult volunteers are a integral part of Royal Air Force Air Cadets. You don’t have to have been in any of the regular services to become an adult volunteer – anyone can enquire about joining us. Wanting to help the next generation as well as have an interest in aviation are usually the main factors for becoming part of the RAF Air Cadets family. Further information is available on the main Royal Air Force Air Cadets (RAFAC) website.
Further Information