Croeso I Ein Swyddog Gwarant Rhanbarthol Newydd  

Cyhoeddodd Prif Swyddog Rhanbarthol Cymru a’r Gorllewin Grŵp Capten Roger Simon apwyntiad Paul Roberts fel Swyddog Gwarant Rhanbarthol newydd Y Corfflu Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB 

“Yr wyf wrth fy modd fod Swyddog Gwarant Paul Roberts yn ymuno a thîm y Rhanbarth yn y rôl yma ac yn edrych ymlaen i weithio a gweithredu gydag ef yn gosod allan, cynllunio a pharhau gyda’r gwaith da ei cyn rhagflaenydd.  Tra ei fod yn yn bleser croeso Swyddog Gwarant Roberts, fe fydd hefyd yn drist dweud hwyl fawr i Swyddog Gwarant Hall, a fydd yn symud ymlaen i ganolbwyntio ar ei rôl newydd fel Swyddog Gwarant Yr Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB. Mae hi yn symud ymlaen gyda ein diolchgarwch gan adael tu cefn iddi etifeddiaeth cryf i’w ei holynydd i adeiladu arno. Cymeraf y siawns yma i obeithio y gorau dros holl Rhanbarth Cymru a’r Gorllewin i ymestyn croeso cynnes i Swyddog Gwarant Roberts.”  

Ymunodd Swyddog Gwarant (SG) Paul Roberts Yr Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB YN 1998 gyda sgwadron 1198 Peterborough fel awyr cadet gan symud drwy y rhengoedd a chael ddyrchafiad i brif safle ar y sgwadron fel  Swyddog Cadet Gwarant. Fe barhaodd gyda’i sgwadron ac ymuno fel aelod o staff fel Rhingyll yn 2005. Ers hynny mae wedi bod yn aelod o staff gyda gwahanol sgwadroniaid eraill, yn eu cynorthwyo mewn meysydd a oedd eu hangen. Fe’i ddyrchafwyd i Swyddog Gwarant ar sgwadron cyn symud ymlaen drwy ddyrchafiad arall i fod yn flaengar ar y pryd fel Swyddog Gwarant ei Adain Sir Caergrawnt a Bedford yn 2018. 

Mae Swyddog Gwarant Paul Roberts yn wirfoddolydd oedolyn yn yr Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB, ac yn ei yrfa  yn y maes peirianeg ei swydd bresennol yw fel uwch beiriannydd cynyhyrchu sydd mewn cwmni  cynyhyrchu peiriannau prosesu bwydydd.  

“Y mae yn wir anrhydedd a chyffroes iawn i mi dderbyn y cyfle anhygoel yma” meddai Swyddog Gwarant Roberts. “ Yr wyf yn edrych ymlaen i gyfarfod llawer o bobl newydd a gweld lle y gallaf gynorthwyo a gwella y profiad i ein cadetiaid”.       

Dywedodd Swyddog Gwarant Donna Hall, Swyddog Gwarant  Awyr Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB “Yr wyf wedi hoffi bob munud o fy amser gyda a fel Swydddog Gwarant Rhanbarth Cymru a’r Gorllewin. Yr wyf eisiau dymuno yr un hapusrwydd a llwyddiant i Paul yr wyf innau wedi ei dystio yn y rôl. Y mae Paul yn dod a cyfoeth ei brofiad gyda syniadau ffres o’r newydd sut mae parhau i symud ymlaen gyda ei rôl newydd yn Rhanbarth Cymru a’r Gorllewin.

Mae ein Swyddogion Gwarant Rhanbarthol yn chwarae rhan ac mewn rôl bwysig yn ystrwythur Corfflu  Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB. Mae yn swydd sydd yn ddi gomisiwn fel oedolyn sydd yn gwirfoddoli ac yn eistedd oddifewn i ystrwythur tebyg sydd yn y Llu Awyr Brenhinol.   Gallai unrhyw unigolyn dros 20 mlwydd oed ddod yn swyddog di gomisiwn neu swyddog wedi ei gomisynu neu a hyfforddydd di lifrau cyffredinol oddifewn i Corfflu Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB. Dechreuir y siwrne o wirfoddoli yn yr Awyr Cadetiaid LlAB yn eich sgwadron lleol ac mae manylion y sgwadroniaid yma i gyda ar gael ar ein prif safle we sef

First Ever Wales & West Region Supercamp


The last week in October 2021 saw the first ever Wales and West Region Supercamp with 200 air cadets and adult volunteers making it happen in the North West of England.

Cadets from all six Wings, No 1 Welsh, No 2 Welsh, No 3 Welsh, Merseyside, Staffordshire and West Mercian took part in a variety of activities from the PTS system that included bronze and silver radio, Youth First Aid, Activity First Aid, road marching, Entry Level Award Health & Safety, STEM, leadership, fieldcraft, National Navigation Award (NNAS) and target shooting.  The RAF Outreach team also came to the camp and spent an active day with the cadets.

There was also an active back-office activity, run by adult volunteers, ensuring the camp ran smoothly.  Wing Commander Amanda Evans, Wales and West Region Senior Staff Officer, was at the helm as Camp Commandant with Wing Commander Lou Hall, Wales and West Region First Aid Officer & RAFAC Mental Health Officer, heading up the medical/first aid team.

Cadet Sergeant Lewis Hancock from 60 (Leek) Squadron said: “I’ve achieved the silver radio certificate this week and I am so pleased.  The camp has been really good and everyone is so nice – it has been fantastic to see cadets from other squadrons throughout the rest of the Region.”

Cadet Sergeant Isla Mawson from 2300 (St Athan) Squadron said: “I’ve been in air cadets for four years and never met someone from outside of the Welsh squadrons – this camp has been fabulous for just that alone.  It has been a really good experience and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.

Wg Cdr Amanda Evans, said: It has been really good to get back to face to face and brilliant to have our very first #wwsupercamp21.  We have had lots of training and activities throughout the week with almost 275 certificates and badges being presented later on today by our Regional Commandant, Group Captain Roger Simon.  The certificates and badges wouldn’t have been made possible without the hard work and dedication of the team of adult volunteers who came to the camp. Diolch yn fawr/Thank you.”

Cadets and adult volunteers attending camps are just one of the activities on offer from RAF Air Cadets. If you are interested in joining us, then go to for more information and to find your local squadron.

Cadet Sergeant Isla Mawson from 2300 (St Athan) Squadron
Cadet Sergeant Lewis Hancock from 60 (Leek) Squadron


We have woken up today to the news that both of the Region’s nominations as the best male cadet and the best female cadet for the Dacre sword and 75th anniversary have been successful

Cadet Warrant Officer Sammy Dutton from 146 (Northwich) Squadron, Merseyside Wing is the recipient of the 75th Anniversary Sword  and Cadet Warrant Officer Ben Hudson from 216 (Redditch) Squadron, West Mercian Wing is the recipient, jointly, of the Dacre Sword for the best male.

Group Captain Roger Simon, Regional Commandant, said: “Congratulations to the two of them.  Well done. Also, recognition goes to their squadrons and wings that have supported them throughout their cadet careers. I’m sure you’ll take a huge amount of pride in their achievements. It’s great, and even better than that at this time when we’re all coping with the restrictions of COVID-19, it’s just further proof and testimony to the range of opportunities that are available for our cadets and the opportunities that we’re going to return to just as soon as we can.”

Wing Commander Merseyside Wing, Joe O’Riley, said: ““It was fantastic to be informed that CWO Sammy Dutton is this years ATC75 Sword Winner. This award could not have gone to a more exemplary, deserving Cadet. She epitomises everything we expect our Cadets to be, and is a great role model to her fellow Cadets, Staff and the entire organisation. I am so proud of what she has achieved and the fact that she has made Merseyside Wing history by winning this prestigious award.”

Training Tuesdays

RAF Air Cadets has a dedicated training team who are spending their lockdown time producing guides for air cadets and staff so that training can continue whilst the squadrons are closed.

This week, the guide is all about the Duke of Edinburgh Award scheme.