Cyber Support Officer
Flt Lt Cahill started off as a cadet at 2352 – Stone Squadron Air Cadets, Staffordshire Wing Air Cadets when he was 13, completing seven years with the Squadron and left as a Cadet Warrant Officer. His highlights include gaining his Silver Gliding Wings, what would now be Gold Radio, Silver DofE and Method Of Instruction. He then left RAF Air Cadets to focus on University Studies, before returning as a CI in 2015, back to 2352 (Stone) Squadron at the completion of his degree. Commissioned in December 2017, he transferred to 395 Stafford Squadron – Royal Air Force Air Cadets, where he took up the role of Adjutant until March 2019 when he took command of the squadron. He also took on the Deputy Wing Radio Communications Officer post within Staffordshire Wing, focusing on Cyber training and delivery from late 2018.
He professionally started out as a Data Centre Infrastructure Technician before becoming a Technical Systems Instructor in 2016. This led into becoming a University Lecturer in 2018, teaching Computer Networks and Cyber Security. Flt Lt Cahill studied for an MRes in Computer Science, completed a PgCHPE and TEF Fellowship and is currently working on his PhD in Computing with a project in VR Automation of Data Centres.