First Aid Officer
Squadron Leader Potts has an extensive background in education having taught in the 11-19 sector since 1987. In his day job he is a Deputy Curriculum Leader in a secondary school in Cheshire where in addition to teaching DT, he also teaches first aid to pupils and staff, and runs a very popular after school first aid club- regularly attracting up to sixty pupils per session.
As an experienced Training Standards Verifier, and tutor on the BTEC Level 3 E&T course, Will has built up a strong team of AFA instructors and assessors in his Wing and he will bring this expertise to the region to help each Wing grow their training teams. Using his background in teaching and teacher training, as well as extensive experience in commercial first aid training, Will hopes to develop courses and teaching methods that go beyond our current offer- equipping cadets and CFAVs with qualifications and skills that are useful to RAFAC, work and civilian life.
Prior to this appointment, Sqn Ldr Potts was Wales and West Region Deputy First Aid Officer and Staffordshire Wing First Aid Officer.